Lesley studied children's illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. Her designs and illustrations appear on children's publications, greeting cards, and gift products. She loves to incorporate texture and patterning into her work.
never seen a spleen like this one!
Right then!  So this is how you do it eh??  I have a lot of learning and exploring to do to make my blog look as good as this!!!

This is fab!  I was just browsing the web on a mission of mooching as I usually do and this is what started my fascination with crochet!!

A menagerie of crocheted hyperbolic forms. Gadgets? Toys for the mind, certainly! Some are part of the Institute For Figuring's Coral Reef Project. Accompanied by the music of Ali Farka Toure´and Toumani Diabete´
Coral Reef in Crochet

an exercise in hyperbolic crochet inspired by the work of the Institute of Figuring - because one day a reef of our own making may be the only coral reef we have
A blue bird mobile